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Statement of economic interest for a public official
Official: Bartolomei, Luis A
Statement last updated: 1/16/2025
Occupation: | District Court Judge |
Employer: | MN Fourth Judicial District |
Hennepin County Government Center | |
Minneapolis, MN 55487 |
Positions held
Agency | Position held | Appointment date | Appointment ends | Appointment authority |
4th Judicial District | Judge | 1/5/2021 | 12/31/2026 | Elected After Appointment |
Sources of income
None reported
Compensation from lobbyist, lobbyist principal, or interested person, for services as an independent contractor or consultant
None reported
Business ownership
None reported
Independent contracting
None reported
Name of security |
Minnesota State Retirement System: General Employees Retirement Plan |
Minnesota State Retirement Sysytem: Judges Retirement Plan |
Target stock - Spouse's 401K and bonus awards |
TIAA-CREF: TIAA Traditional Annuity; CREF Bond; CREF Stock; CREF Growth. |
Vanguard: 500 Index Fund Admiral Roth IRA; VG Prime Money Market |
Real property
None reported
Government agency interests
None reported
None reported
Pari-mutuel horse racing interests
None reported