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. on the first Wednesday of the month. The next Board meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 2016. Resolution recognizing the service of Christian Sande Vice Chair Rosen , the following motion was made: Member Rosen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board recognizes Christian Sande for his service from 2014 to 2016 as a member of the Board and offers this resolution in appreciation for his investment of time and energy in support of the mission and objectives of the Minnesota Campaign


therefore no longer was necessary. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Moilanen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that Jeff Sigurdson, the executive waiver to any judge or justice who completed the written waiver request on the judicial statement of economic interest form. The Board also adopted a resolution delegating authority to the executive


a part of the resolution of this matter, the Board may issue an order requiring him to appoint a treasurer other than himself to be responsible for the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of


for Mr. McGrath representing Minnesota Majority. The registration was dated August 4, 2012. Ms. Phillips stated that the registration was submitted “in order to expedite resolution of this matter


for Mr. McGrath representing Minnesota Majority. The registration was dated August 4, 2012. Ms. Phillips stated that the registration was submitted “in order to expedite resolution of this matter


action. “Legislative action” means the discussion or development of prospective legislation; or the review, modification, adoption, or rejection of any bill, amendment, resolution, nomination

July 28, 2021 meeting materials

. Resolution recognizing the service of Gary Haugen Members thanked Mr. Haugen for his service and wished him well in his future endeavors. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Swanson’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board recognizes Gary Haugen for his service from 2017 to 2021 as a member of the Board , and offers this resolution in appreciation for his investment of time and energy in support of the mission and objectives of the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board

Summary of 2023 changes to campaign finance and pu

rejection of any bill, amendment, resolution, confirmation, or report by the legislature, working with any constitutional officer to develop or support legislation, and the actions of the governor to


:// 3rd page, right side under “Council Activities”. It reads: “Reviewed, discussed and approved a resolution opposing the proposed Constitutional Amendment on Elections Voter ID, and encouraged residents to vote “No” on November 6, 2012.” Resolution No. 12-051 reads: “A Resolution Opposing the Proposed Photo ID Constitutional Amendment Ballot


: Member Moilanen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: The Board resolves that amendments designed to curtail the Board’s rulemaking authority will impair its ability to carry out its