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- 7 - Minutes August 13, 2014 Mr. Goldsmith reminded the Board that it had previously approved resolution of this matter through an informal staff review process rather than through a formal orientation, or age; or if the complaint is of a general personnel concern. The Affirmative Action Officer or designee shall also discuss other options for resolution, such as workplace mediation. • If

August 9, 2023 meeting materials

was made: Member Leppik’s motion: To approve the resolution authorizing publication of the request for comments. Vote on motion: Unanimously passed. LEGAL REPORT Mr. Hartshorn authorizing resolution List of possible rulemaking subjects presented at June 7, 2023, Board meeting MGRC feedback Draft request for comments Draft resolution authorizing request for comments Legal report


. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Moilanen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that Jeff Sigurdson, the executive director of the Campaign Finance and

October 6, 2023 meeting materials

$15,000 reconciliation issue that remains unresolved because an entity has not yet filed an amended report, and that resolution of that one issue will significantly reduce the unreconciled balance. Ms

Microsoft Word - Memorandum in support of complain

violation of the existing Education Clause; it sent the case back to the lower courts for resolution consistent with the Supreme Court’s opinion, an outcome that has so far eluded the parties and the


: To approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Executive Director is delegated the authority to grant waivers exempting district court judges, appellate court judges, and Supreme Court


State Senate from 1993 - 2002, and served as an Assistant Minority Leader from 1998 - 2002. Mr. Oliver is an arbitrator with FINRA Dispute Resolution, Inc., and is owner and president of

April 9, 2021 meeting materials

the Board b. Resolution recognizing the service of Gary Haugen c. Introduction of George Soule d. 2021 meeting schedule 3. Executive director report a. Annual Report of the Board for Fiscal recognizes Gary Haugen for his service from 2017 to 2021 as a member of the Board, and offers this resolution in appreciation for his investment of time and energy in support of the mission and objectives of authorized under the laws of Minnesota, and that the above is a true, complete, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by unanimous vote at a meeting of the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board duly


, modification, adoption, or rejection of any bill, amendment, resolution, nomination, administrative rule, or report by a member of the legislature or employee of the legislature. “Legislative action" also