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deposited into the account of the affiliated political committee. Mr. Goldsmith presented a draft resolution for Board consideration which would extend its previously adopted policy to cover the above situation. After discussion the following resolution was made: Member Wiener's Motion: RESOLVED: When the following conditions are met: An association operates as both a state political


individuals who satisfy a monetary threshold in their efforts “to promote or oppose the passage of any ordinance or resolution by a public officer ... or any committee of such public officers, or the approval or veto of any such ordinance or resolution."7 The term public officer is defined to include elected county, municipal, and school board officials.8 Missouri defines the term lobbyist to include , ordinance, resolution, regulation, or rule, actions regarding an executive order of the CEO of a municipality, or the outcome of municipal rate making proceedings.10 Vermont does not regulate lobbying of


. Sigurdson asked members to approve a resolution giving him authority to withdraw that rulemaking. After discussion, the following motions were made: Member Rosen’s motion: To appoint Members Leppik and Moilanen to the rule committee. Vote on motion: Unanimously passed (Oliver absent). Member Leppik’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: “RESOLVED, that Jeff Sigurdson in the conference committee report that was signed by the governor. Because these changes were into law, the Board no longer needs to purse the technical rulemaking. Attached is a draft resolution

Comments received during public comment period

pass a resolution of support, this request be categorized as lobbying. Requiring these organizations to report to the CFB when they ask us to reach out to our legislators would be proposed resolution of the matter—whether through findings and an order or through a conciliation agreement—and to present the complainant’s perspective to the Board before any final action is taken. This

Advisory Opinion 458 (Public Version)

) the review, modification, adoption, or rejection by a member of the legislature or an employee of the legislature, if applicable, of any (i) bill, (ii) amendment, (iii) resolution, (iv) confirmation any bill, amendment, resolution, confirmation, or report. Issue Ten The Organization is developing a sign-on letter to signal support from Member Companies, and the Organization intends


attorney general’s office for action. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Flynn’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board revokes its prior . This resolution is effective for reports due after March 13, 2019. Vote on motion: A roll call vote was taken. All members voted in the affirmative. ENFORCEMENT REPORT The enforcement


. Goldsmith asked the Board to formally ratify his assurance. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Flynn’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, That no late applies only for filers who were late due to the hardware failure, a limited resolution would be in order. The following would implement the Executive Director's recommended approach: RESOLVED


had terminated at least seven years ago. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Rosen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the items listed on the programs. To achieve this write-off, a resolution will be required, which could be in the following form: RESOLVED, That the items listed on the report titled "Outstanding Money Owed List


legislative proposals and the administrative rule proceeding. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Leppik’s motion: That the Board adopt the following resolution: Resolved ; the benefit of formal findings, conclusions, and orders compared to informal resolution of the matter; the availability of board resources; whether the violation has been remedied; and any other