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. Resolution recognizing the service of retired members Chair Beck read proposed resolutions to recognize former Board members Neil Peterson and Deanna Wiener for their service. Page - 2 his service from 2012 to 2015 as a member of the Board and offers this resolution in appreciation for his investment of time and energy in support of the mission and objectives of the Minnesota Wiener for her service from 2011 to 2015 as a member of the Board and offers this resolution in appreciation for her investment of time and energy in support of the mission and objectives of the


replace former member Jon Scanlon. Member Stafsholt’s term will end in January of 2018 Resolution recognizing service of Jon Scanlon Chair Wiener proposed the following resolution to recognize John of the Board and offers this resolution in appreciation for his investment of time and energy in support of the mission and objectives of the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board

Findings Regarding Elwyn Tinklenberg and The Tinkl

Report developed by City of Ramsey staff for the January 8, 2008 Ramsey City Council meeting, and a copy of Resolution #08-01-XXX which was considered and passed (and given the number 08-01-020) by the Ramsey City Council on January 8, 2008. The resolution, as passed, also accepted the work described in the Proposal. The Proposal lists a number of tasks to be accomplished by the Tinklenberg Group to month for four or five months. The proposal for services from the Tinklenberg Group to the City of Ramsey was considered and adopted by Resolution #08-01-020 at a City of Ramsey Council meeting on


consider rules adopted in other states regarding independent expenditures. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Leppik’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED noncontroversial changes occur and focus efforts on reaching a consensus on the controversial subjects. If the Board decides to proceed with rulemaking at this time, it should adopt the resolution attached to this memo. The resolution authorizes the executive director to give notice of a Request for Comments. The Request will state that two rulemakings are being considered: one for noncontroversial


payments for the special election in house district 32B. Vote on motion: Unanimously passed. Member Flynn’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the general election ballot will not file another affidavit of candidacy. To remedy these issues, Board staff recommends that the Board issue a resolution adopting the following filing dates for all resolution authorizing a request for comments is attached to this memo. A sample request for comments that does not specify the topics that will be included in the rulemaking is also attached. Possible


made: Member Rosen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: Resolved, that the Executive Director shall refer the debt owed by Mr. Evan Rapp pursuant to the Board’s order of January 15 debt. Since staff is attempting to put the Board more directly in control of its collections efforts, a resolution would be in order. Should the Board agree with staff's recommendation, the following resolution would be in order: Resolved, That the Executive Director shall refer the debt owed by Mr. Evan Rapp pursuant to the Board's order of January 15, 2016, to the Minnesota Collections Enterprise

Regular Session Minutes

legislative districts. Staff began working with David Zoll, counsel for the DFL party, in May trying to find a resolution to this problem, without success. The issue has now come to a head because the report filed in 2022 by local party units is the pre-primary report, which is due on July 25, so a prompt resolution of the problem is required. Mr. Zoll’s email identifies the eleven party units . The negative is that 3 this approach is kicking the problem down the road, and the issue will still need to be resolved next year. Deferring resolution to next year would also allow

Conciliation Agreement

replaced the treasurer who was in place when the violations occured, the Candidate proposes a resolution in accordance with this agreement. If this agreement is accepted by the Board, the Committee

Report of Lobbyist's Disbursements from Personal F

legislature, committee, or subcommittee with regard to any bill, resolution, amendment, nomination, appointment, or report. Includes gubernatorial approval or veto of any bill. Local Official - A person

Complaint Procedures

to address the Board. If the Board's staff plans to recommend a resolution of the matter, the respondent also is told what that recommendation will be. The meeting where the Board considers the