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. Chair’s report A. Opening statement by new Chair B. Meeting schedule C. Resolution recognizing George Beck's service to the Board D. Discussion of the possibility of streaming Board meetings

Microsoft Word - Regular_Agenda_4_1_14.doc

meeting) 2. Chair’s Report A. Introduction of new Board member Jon Stafsholt B. Resolution recognizing service of Jon Scanlon C. Board Meeting Schedule 3. Executive Director Topics A

Microsoft Word - Regular_Agenda_8_2_16.docx

1. Minutes Regular meeting, July 5, 2016 2. Process for selection and setting term of new Chair 3. Chair's report A. Meeting schedule B. Resolution recognizing the service of


Report A. Board meeting schedule B. New member introductions C. Resolution honoring members Ashmore and Milbert 3. Executive Director’s Report A. Office operations (verbal report) B. Update

Findings and Order In The Matter Of A Contribution

work toward a resolution to the error.” The matter was considered by the Board in executive sessions on May 8, 2007. The Board’s decision was based upon the response from Mr. Haas and Board

Findings and Order In The Matter Of A Contribution

work toward a resolution to the error.” The matter was considered by the Board in executive sessions on May 8, 2007. The Board’s decision was based upon the response from Mr. Haas and Board

Modified: 2007-07-02 Score: 0.001


- Minutes August 14, 2020 - 2 - B. 2020 meeting schedule The next Board meeting is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. C. Resolution recognizing the service of Robert Moilanen Mr. Sigurdson presented members with a potential resolution related to this matter that is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Members called attention to Mr. Moilanen’s contributions to the Board and stated that they all had enjoyed serving with him. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Rosen’s motion: To approve the following resolution to be signed


mailed a pamphlet to 60,000 individuals that urged its recipients to "Go to your precinct caucuses March 2nd. Pass a resolution opposing state-sponsored gambling." The pamphlet also contained sample

Modified: 2020-01-28 Score: 0.001


, Citizens Against Gambling Expansion mailed a pamphlet to 60,000 individuals that urged its recipients to "Go to your precinct caucuses March 2 nd . Pass a resolution opposing state-sponsored gambling


the matter and to allow the Board to enter into a conciliation agreement or issue findings, conclusions, and an order. 3. This matter is appropriate for resolution through an informal