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previously approved resolution of this matter through an informal staff review process rather than through a formal investigation. Mr. Goldsmith explained that the party unit and the corporate donor both “sufficient” in the definitions of prima facie (line 4.16) and probable cause (line 6.4). Finally, Ms. Pope presented members with a draft resolution authorizing Executive Director Goldsmith to take the actions necessary to publish the Notice of Intent to Adopt Expedited Rules. Because the draft resolution and the proposed rules in the Revisor’s format had not been placed on the agenda at least seven

Advisory Opinion 348

in Minn. Stat. §10A.071. As a state statute the provisions of Minn. Stat. §10A.071 may not be modified or nullified by local ordinance or resolution. ISSUE THREE May the governing body of the metropolitan governmental unit pass a resolution to accept an offered service from a lobbyist or a lobbyist principal as a gift to the governmental unit, if only local officials of the governmental unit are


, documents describing discrepancies and their resolution, and draft amended reports. Audit finding: The Minnesota AFL-CIO political fund had a discrepancy of $20,875.02 between its reported 2015 year

Advisory Opinion 395

statement of the reasons the board believes passage of the amendment would benefit Minnesota. 3. Neither the board’s resolution voting to support the amendment nor the statement it approved expressly

Lobbyist Compliance and Report Training

influence passage of any bill, amendment, resolution, confirmation or report by the legislature. • Working with a constitutional officer on prospective legislation or request for support or opposition


; the benefit of formal findings, conclusions, and orders compared to informal resolution of the matter; the availability of board resources; whether the violation has been remedied; and any other


Senate Caucus Party Unit, and the individual candidates waive their right to proceed under the aforementioned section and consent that the Board may proceed to a final resolution of these matters through


orders compared to informal resolution of the matter; the availability of board resources; whether the violation has been remedied; and any other similar factor necessary to decide whether the alleged


Senate Caucus Party Unit, and the individual candidates waive their right to proceed under the aforementioned section and consent that the Board may proceed to a final resolution of these matters through

Findings Regarding Elwyn Tinklenberg and The Tinkl

Report developed by City of Ramsey staff for the January 8, 2008 Ramsey City Council meeting, and a copy of Resolution #08-01-XXX which was considered and passed (and given the number 08-01-020) by the Ramsey City Council on January 8, 2008. The resolution, as passed, also accepted the work described in the Proposal. The Proposal lists a number of tasks to be accomplished by the Tinklenberg Group to month for four or five months. The proposal for services from the Tinklenberg Group to the City of Ramsey was considered and adopted by Resolution #08-01-020 at a City of Ramsey Council meeting on