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the matter and to allow the Board to enter into a conciliation agreement or issue findings, conclusions, and an order. 3. This matter is appropriate for resolution through an informal


affirmative (Flynn absent). CHAIR’S REPORT A. 2022 meeting schedule The next Board meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. B. Resolution recognizing the service of Daniel Rosen Mr. Sigurdson presented members with a draft resolution regarding this matter that is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Chair Swanson read the draft resolution recognizing Member had resulted in better decision-making by the Board. After discussion, the following motion was made: Member Flynn’s motion: To approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Campaign

February 2, 2022 meeting materials

meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. B. Resolution recognizing the service of Daniel Rosen Mr. Sigurdson presented members with a draft resolution regarding this matter that is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Chair Swanson read the draft resolution recognizing Member Rosen’s years of service to the Board. Members then expressed their individual following motion was made: Member Flynn’s motion: To approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board recognizes Daniel N. Rosen for his service from

Probable cause determination

resolution of the matter; the availability of board resources; whether the violation has been remedied; and any other similar factor necessary to decide whether the matter under review warrants a formal


violation if it is a financial violation; the extent of knowledge or intent of the violator; the benefit of formal findings, conclusions, and orders compared to informal resolution of the matter; the

Modified: 2016-11-10 Score: 0.001


purpose of preparing the matter for final resolution. The investigation will determine when Mr. Nygard met the $750 threshold for campaign expenditures and, therefore, how many campaign finance

Probable Cause Determination

is a financial violation; the extent of knowledge or interest of the violator; the benefit of formal findings, conclusions, and orders compared to informal resolution of the matter; the availability

Standard Template -- use in place of NORMAL

. When the Board finds reason to believe that a committee has exceeded a contribution limit, Minnesota statutes require a period of conciliation wherein the parties attempt to negotiate a resolution of


proposed coordination rules dated 9/22/2017, as amended. Vote on motion: Unanimously passed. Member Rosen’s motion: To amend the proposed resolution authorizing publication of a notice of action by the Board. Vote on motion: Unanimously passed. Member Moilanen’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: 1. The executive director of the Campaign Finance and Public Correspondence On September 15, 2017, I received the attached letter and resolution from David Povolny, Mayor of the City of Columbus. In his letter, Mayor Povolny states that the economic interest


: Member Leppik’s motion: To adopt the following resolution: Resolved, That the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, while not determining that a resolution is necessary, hereby they have reached the specified threshold. In 2014, the Board passed a resolution authorizing staff to audit the house and constitutional office committees seeking public subsidy funds that filed an subsidy payments can be conducted in 2016 and in the future, staff asks the Board to adopt a resolution giving the executive director continuing authority to audit the qualifying contributions claimed by